New (updated) Charity Commission compatible constitution adopted (passed 2018 AGM)
Disciplinary procedure: The Society currently does not have a written policy. It is proposed that the ISDS policy be adopted and adapted as necessary – passed (passed 2019 AGM)
Class 3 (pilot ended 2019) for Young handlers (<18) and Beginners (a max. of up to 2 calendar years trialing in last 10 years) to be held preferably on a separate day. A maximum of 15 trials to be sponsored each year for 3 years, subject to an annual review. (passed 2018 AGM)
Mentor trials (pilot 2020): The Society will provide financial support, if requested (max £50 per trial up to £500 per annum), for dedicated non-competitive Mentor trials i.e. experienced handlers will provide mentoring at a trial open to new and inexperienced handlers (less than 5 years trialing) only or in conjunction with a local class or Nursery Heat. Mentors will accompany handlers at the post and if helpful can accompany them walking the course during their run(s). (passed 2019 AGM)
NWSDS trials
Any dogs used at the letting out pen at the annual NWSDS Championships should be easily identifiable e.g. by wearing a bright / fluorescent dog coat / jacket. Affiliated Societies are encouraged to adopt the same rule (deferred from 2018 AGM). (passed 2019 AGM)
Class 2 trial: The Vice Chair will organise a standalone trial every year (passed 2019 AGM)
Championships: The young handler competition be restricted to competitors aged 21 or under (one class only) from 2020. The John Beck trophy for winner and the Magnox trophy for best OLF (same structure as the Singles Championship). Six cash prizes to be awarded £15, £10, £5, £5, £5, £5 (total £45) (£90 current <18 and <25) (passed 2019 AGM)
The Committee should be advised of all arrangements for Championships trials agreed by the local committees e.g. judges, trial fields, number of sheep to be used etc. in order to maintain a minimum standard as far as practically possible. (TMC 20.02.20)
Affiliated Societies Trials (in addition to the ISDS rules for trials the following are noted)
Amendment: “Judges are expected, to give points gained or lost at the end of the trial to competitors who request them through the trial Secretary” (passed 2018 AGM)
Removed: “The Committee accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage that may be caused during the Trials and that the Public are on the ground at their own risk”. Rule not compatible with current law. Affiliated Societies are encouraged to obtain Public Liability insurance. (passed 2018 AGM)
Addition: Any dogs used at the letting out pen at the annual NWSDS Championships should be easily identifiable e.g. by wearing a bright / fluorescent dog coat / jacket. Affiliated Societies are encouraged to adopt the same rule (deferred from 2018 AGM). (passed 2019 AGM)
Passed Added: During and after the trial. “Competitors or their agents are prohibited from approaching a Judge to seek to discuss or influence the award of points. Such an approach is gross misconduct and will render them liable to investigation” ISDS rules for trials 6.2 zc. (passed 2019 AGM)
Class 3 new criteria: “: UK & Ireland based handlers (not dogs) that have won a single prize of more than £15, anywhere in the world”. Entry fee £2. Prizes £5, £3, £2 or rosettes. (passed 2019 AGM)
Fund raising: The Society encourages Trials to notify the Secretary of donations given to charitable causes so that they can be publicised on social media (to promote the Society’s charitable status). (passed 2019 AGM)
Trials course: It is strongly recommended that a pen (means of containment with gate) and shed or single be included if practicable and required in order to qualify for National points. Note: may not be necessary if ISDS rules changed 2020. To be noted in 2020 Diary as “National qualifying points awarded”. (passed 2019 AGM)
“Entry requirement for Class 2: Dogs not having won 1st or 2nd in an Open trial OR not having won 1st or 2nd more than three times in a Class 2 trial.” (motion not carried 2018 AGM)
“Class 2 – Dogs who have not been placed 1st or 2nd in an Open trial, held anywhere in the world. Dogs that have won two or more Class 2 trials must run in the ‘Combined’ class if one is available. (motion not carried 2019 AGM)
Sheep insurance – Affiliated Trial Society’s membership includes sheep insurance in the event of any loss at a trial. It is proposed to add that “in the event of 2 claims being made in 2 recurring years a £50 excess per sheep will apply for the following 2 years”. (motion not carried 2019 AGM)
“To ensure consistency and fairness when a trial has 2 sessions, entries for both sessions will be open / bookable at the same time on a ‘first come basis’ i.e. both sessions bookable on arrival. No pre booking, telephone bookings, or booking on behalf of absent handlers permitted. To be noted in 2020 diary as: “Both sessions bookable from start time, no other bookings taken” (motion not carried 2019 AGM)
“The entry fees for non-members of the NWSDS at all Affiliated Societies trials be £2 more than for paid up members in all classes. Membership to be determined by the competitor’s good faith. (motion not carried 2019 AGM)
Nursery rules
Updates / Additions applicable from 2019: a) Only NWDS Members who are resident in the old counties of North Wales i.e. Anglesey, Caernarfonshire, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Merionethshire and Montgomeryshire are allowed to run in the NWSDS heats and nursery final and therefore allowed to represent NWSDS at the All Wales Nursery Final. b) Every dog competing must: i) Be under 3 years of age from the 1st November of the current year. ii) Not have been placed 1st to 6th in an Open trial or won a Class 2 trial. iii) Not have been the winner of any previous NWSDS Nursery Final. c) Competitors who qualify for the NWSDS Nursery Final must have provided a completed breeding form (form in annual diary) to the Secretary at least 2 weeks before the Final in order to run. d) After the 1st October a nursery dog placed 1st to 6th in an Open trial or winning a Class 2 will be allowed to continue to compete. e) Where any dog is excluded from the NWSDS Nursery Final by virtue of any of the above rules the next highest pointed dog in the relevant Heat(s) will qualify for the Final. f) The running order for the final will be randomly drawn. (passed 2018 AGM)
New rule 5: After the 1st August a dog placed 1st to 6th in an Open trial will be allowed to continue to compete in the current season but not future years. A dog so placed before the 1st August of the current season will be unable to compete in any future Heats. (passed 2019 AGM)
Organisation (Trustees Management Committee)
Young handlers 50% membership discount: not supported
Agreed S&T remuneration (December 2019) considering developments and charity duties.
Trustees information pack (responsibilities etc.) circulated.
2019 Victor Ludorum pilot commenced (on website). Award to be given at annual dinner (if pilot sustainable) – adopted.
From 2019, in order to promote membership (including the annual diary) trial dates will only be advertised in the Farmers Guardian i.e. not ISDS website. New dates and any changes will continue to be posted on the website and social media: not supported
Nursery League qualification points system: not supported
Agreed to purchase 50 Red and 10 Yellow sheep collars from reserves if ‘lycra’ pull over versions can be sourced.
Agreed to post on website / FB offer of possible help from NWSDS members if needed by any Affiliated Trials which are finding it difficult to find sufficient committee members / helpers.
Trustees Indemnity Insurance (TII) discussion paper considered – agreed S&T to obtain quote for further consideration at next meeting.
Policies and procedures list – adopted.
Disciplinary procedure – adopted.
Complaints procedure – adopted.
Agreed S&T remuneration (December 2020) considering developments and charity duties.
25.06.20 (virtual meeting email)
Agreed that previous decision stands and 2021 diaries will NOT be sent to individual members who have not paid their 2020 subscription.
Agreed that Trials who have not paid membership in 2020 will ONLY have a single line entry in the 2021 diary noting only the date and venue.
Agreed not to impose a rejoining fee of £5 in 2021 for unpaid members and trials.
Agreed in view of the Covid-19 restrictions to ‘void’ the 2020 provisions. Consequently, the Chair will remain with Montgomeryshire for 2021 and that Anglesey will now take the Chair from 2022. Arrangements already made for the NWSDS Championships / Nursery Final / Dinner and Class 2 trials in 2020 can hopefully be revived and rearranged for 2021 (in full or in part).
Agreed also that in these exceptional circumstances that the Trustees terms of office be adjusted accordingly – noting that AS will still be replaced by ALlO for Ynys Mon in 2021.
18.10.20 (virtual zoom meeting)
Trustees Indemnity Insurance: Agreed that quote for TII of £426.71 be included in an updated baseline budget for consideration of long term viability at the next meeting.
Welsh ISDS Directors: Agreed that S&T to write to E.W. Edwards acting President to request update on next steps with regard to recent correspondence between Directors and Council i.e. to be followed up any further? plans to share letters with Welsh members? NWSDS willing to allow use of their media platforms provided SWSDTA agree to do the same.
Trustees : Agreed to nominate Gwynfor Owen (Anglesey) and to pursue vacancies for Caernarfonshire and Meirionnydd (Trustees).
AGM 2020: As a result of covid-19 restrictions, agreed to postpone the planned 2020 AGM until 30th April 2021 at the latest otherwise next will be on 2nd December 2021. Any urgent matters requiring determination in the interim to be decided by email/messenger.
Trials: Agreed to postpone the 2020 ‘Nursery Final’ until end of February 2021 at the latest.
Diary: Agreed to produce 2021 diary in .pdf electronic form to control costs. To publish at the end of March to give maximum opportunity to include planned trials. Updates and changes to be posted on the website as presently.
PL/EL Insurance: Agreed to cancel FUW insurance policy (August 2020/2021) to control costs. Cover to be rearranged from when required in 2021.
Nursery Heats: Agreed to increase the entry fee for NWSDS Nursery Heats 2021 from £3 to £5 from 2021
Annual dinner: Confirmed that the 2020 Annual Dinner has been cancelled (covid-19 restrictions)