35 events found.
PRE ENTRY 2 SESIWN / SESSIONS Open (£10) and Class 2 (£5). Combined runs (£15). Maximum of 40 runs in each session. Maximum of 2 dogs per handler each session. Same dog(s) can be run in […]
Original date (14th) clashes with Welsh National so late change of date
Class 2 FRIDAY 9th August change of time due to a planned charity event. Start 10am last run 6:00pm. Note: will be strict on the time
The Society trustees are committed to continuing the series of sessions/ trials for new handlers hosted by experienced handlers. Contact the Secretary to put your name down. what3words /// august.peachy.overjoyed
Recent poor weather prevented silage from being cut so the trial has had to be rearranged. New dates are Monday 19th August & Tuesday 20th August NOT 17th & 18th July (page 38). RUNNING ORDERS: Sorry but a number of handlers withdrew at the National so have had to update the order again (18th August). […]